Optional Wargear (For Centurion Terminators) This bygone rank no longer exists amongst the Adeptus Astartes of the late 41 st Millennium. The individuals assigned to this duty were often those considered extreme in their methods even by the cold-blooded Xeric (the original Terran members of the XIX th Legion) and they were often used - willingly - to undertake missions from which they were not expected to return. From its earliest days, the Raven Guard Legion employed more Moritats than did many others. Operating independently on the battlefield, these individuals were often employed as efficient shock assault troops and assassins. Moritat - A Moritat was an unofficial designation given to certain Astartes of the ancient Legiones Astartes who displayed suicidal urges and a blatant disregard for overall combat doctrine.Master of Signal - A Master of Signal was commonly attached to the forward elements of a Space Marine assault, providing communications support across the wider warzone, and was capable of calling down a pinpoint bombardment from either orbiting fleet assets or static artillery positions nearby, engulfing the foes of Mankind in flaming destruction.The Legion Librarius departments were disbanded after the Council of Nikaea on the order of the Emperor. Librarian - The Legion Librarians served as battle psykers and the keepers of the Legion's records, battle honours and chronicles.As such, they could mobilise the Legion's resources to the full, deploy its assets and, if performing a mission of vital strategic worth, assemble a strike force of chosen warriors.

These officers were picked from those Space Marines who were the most steadfast in their duties, and who had demonstrated the strongest loyalty to their Primarch and to the Emperor. Chaplain - Legion Chaplains ensured the spiritual well-being of their Legion and enforced the psyker ban in accordance to the Emperor's Decree Absolute rendered during the Council of Nikaea.The following are the most common examples of officers of what would be considered centurion rank found in the Space Marine forces of the Great Crusade, although many others existed in particular Legions. The term "centurion" was often used to represent one of the specialist officers of the Space Marine Legions, who were collectively referred to as "consuls," although this covered many different ranks and specialties such as the Chaplains, fleet-captains, blood chieftains, vigilators, legates and even the psykers who became Librarians. Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children Legion Champion and a Master of Signal. Warhammer 40K Darktide Review - Left To Shred